The KJV 2014 crowd sourcing initiative allows people to make and donate an 8 by 8 art piece with the goal of having a piece of art to every verse in the Bible.

KJV Objectives
  • Get people to create art and build their right brain function
  • Get people to read the bible
  • Promote the arts with a gallery opening per book
  • Support the arts and religious ventures by printing a KJV 2014 Bible and by selling prints of the original art.
What Inspired The KJV Art Project

Creativity and thus right brain development has been squashed.  Students that are active in the arts score 12 points higher on the SAT (American Arts Institution).  Our education system has been reduced to regurgitation of facts and lacks the conviction to challenge or question.  Second, our society has become wicked.  The good news, there is a revival and thirs of Christain values as seen by the high cable ratings of the shows like Duck Dynasty and the series "The Bible."

How Does The KJV 2014 Crowd Sourcing Idea Work

Once the art was complete, artists need to mail Right Brain Works an 8 by 8 piece of art  that we try to tie to every verse of the King James Bible.  

Submit Artwork

Right Brain Work
PO BOX 420
Crystal Lake, IL 60039

Click here to access the submission form

Why The King James Version of The Bible: Loren David Wrote: How Was It Translated

Scholastically, the KJV Is Different From Other Translations . Consider these facts regarding how the KJV was translated. This will help you to gain total confidence in the integrity and scholarship that went into it so that you can be fully assured the KJV Is Truely The Word Of God . There is a major difference in a professing Bible, containing some of the Word of God, or the Bible that literally is the Word Of God. A True Bible Cannot Be Partially Accurate.

47 Translators Were Involved with the Translation of the KJV

Never in history had such an assembly of scholarship and spirituality been brought together on a project as these Forty-Seven Learned Men . Four were college presidents, six were bishops, and five were university professors who were all Greek and Hebrew scholars of rare scholarship. Three of them were eastern linguists who were well versed with Arabic. They were as at ease with the eastern languages as they were with their own English. All of them believed in the plenary, verbal inspiration of the Bible, the Divinity of Christ without equivocation, and all of them were men of prayer. Some prayed as much as five hours per day during the entire course of their Christian lives. Only God could have prepared this group of men for such a monumental task, the results of which were, in the providence of God, needed for the great evangelistic and missionary thrust of the succeeding centuries.

They were divided into six companies

Each person was assigned certain portions of the scriptures to translate. After he finished, he met with others in the group to compare results. Their combined work was then given to each of the other groups of companies for review and approval. Finally A Select Committee of Two of The Best Experts In Linguistics was assigned for The Task of Final Review and Approval. The results were that this gave the world an objective, unbiased translation of the Bible which was done with the highest degree of scholarship. Nothing in history can match the scholarship. It still stands as a masterpiece of scholarship and literary art, unexcelled in the history of the world.

Read What The Americans For The Arts, has to say about the importance of artistic expression.

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No. To ensure that copyrights are not Infringed upon, we ask all partisipants to not use any photographs or photostock artwork in their art pieces.
No. We want everyone of all ages and skill level to participate.
Of course. The goal is to gather many pieces of original 8" by 8" works of art. Each person may submit up to 7 pieces of art
Please don't. Because we have thousands of artworks we will exhibit and take a picture we want a consistent look.
The external dimensions of the piece should be exactly 8 inches square including border and mat.
Of course. We cannot guarantee that the complete series will be placed together by verse or in order, but we will try to place them to the right verse. We can NOT accommodate holding a verse. Each person may submit up to 7 artworks. If you want them for certain verses, please identify the works accordingly
No, we reserve the right to change the verse, and sensor if inappropriate non Biblical material
We will reserve the right to not use the art work within the project or place within a different verse
Right Brain Works LLC reserves the right to reject any artwork.
Please do not submit any works containing glitter. We have found each year that it impacts other works. Any art being submitted with unfixed charcoal or pastel must have a temporary cover sheet, for protection of both it, and the surrounding works.
We will support Christian based initiatives like opening a KJV 2014 gallery.
Not from Right Brain Works. Our intent is to use the art work in the Bible and sell prints and other misc. Items to promote Christian values.
the artwork is considered donated to Right Brain Works with exclusive and unlimited use.
Don't hesitate to email or mail us about any issues